Elementary Parents, watch for this invite/info letter from Mr. Bond concerning the upcoming elementary music concert. Your child should come home with it today. The public is invited to this annual Spring Elementary Program.
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
We are looking for a Superintendent? Are you interested? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PqlpLfiKTMnRsR08RnOrjOPaex3-XWuU/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Heather Wolery
We are searching for a Superintendent, are you interested? Here's a link to the application. If you have questions call or text Maryetta at 406-390-6390 or 406- 378-3402 or email her at mengle@bigsandy.k12.mt.us. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAfy9HiV_I4OWauS95Dc1slty7tGpHWg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=112032254304317233175&rtpof=true&sd=true Big Sandy Schools is located in the town of Big Sandy in North Central Montana at the base of the Bear Paws Mountains and close to the Missouri River Breaks. We are a Class C school of about 200 students K-12. We have a four day week schedule and offer a signing bonus. Our town has a Medical Center, Bank, Grocery Store, Pharmacy, Library, CrossFit Gym and several restaurants/bars.
almost 3 years ago, Heather Wolery
Cal Wearly Track Meet for tomorrow, 4/6/22 in Havre, has been POSTPONED due to weather.
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
From the business desk of Maryetta: NOTICE OF ELECTION https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Di0OTLd3wK0h7bAu1h3O0hEduSpdAgyK/view?usp=sharing
almost 3 years ago, Heather Wolery
Pioneer Family: We are heartbroken over the death of one of our previous students. Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends and the entire community. We will be offering grief counseling for students, faculty, and staff starting on 3/29/22 and going through 3/31/22. It will also be available beyond that date as requested. Here are some resources for our parents and staff to assist our students as they grieve the loss of their friend and past classmate. https://childmind.org/article/supporting-children-after-the-suicide-of-a-classmate/ https://www.apa.org/topics/suicide/coping-after https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/warning-signs-of-suicide Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
almost 3 years ago, Heather Wolery
PROM UPDATE Pictures are from 7:15-7:45 pm Grand March is at 8:00 pm Dance is over at Midnight
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
From the Desk of Coach McKenney "Volleyball Kickstart Clinic! Copies of this form will be sent home with 2nd-5th graders next week. Extra copies will be located at the Grade School Office. Participants can bring the form, along with their $25.00 payment to the clinic on April 4th."
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
From the desk of Tyler Lane:
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
PROM TUXES are in at the Pharmacy....Gentleman and parents- tuxes are in for the guys to come try on and pick up by tomorrow March 23rd. If they need replacements, we have to get those ordered ASAP to get the replacements here by Friday. Thank you!!
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
Parents and students, tomorrow, March 17, is the end of 3rd quarter. https://www.infinitecampus.com/video/campus-parent-campus-student If you have any questions concerning the info in the attached link, please call the office.
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
Congratulations to our All State Selection for basketball - Braydon Cline! Also, a huge shout out to our 9C All Conference Selections for basketball: Braydon Cline - 1st Team Kody Strutz - 2nd Team Lane Demontiney - 2nd Team Coach Dilworth - co-coach of the year!
almost 3 years ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
From the desk of Lori Takawira:
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
From the desk of Lori Takawira, Early Childhood Coordinator:
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
We Are Hiring!
almost 3 years ago, Heather Wolery
ADULT PROM is Back!! Friday, March 25th from 8:30 PM-12AM. It will be $20 each payable at the door or the office
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
Elementary Parents, this week you should receive in the mail a parent-teacher conference slip that looks like the below example. If you do not receive one for each of your children, please contact the school office at 406-378-2406. (For parents of K, 3, 4 and 5 grades a consent form for the Chouteau County Health Programs is attached to the conference slip. In order for your child to participate, complete the form and return it back to the office ASAP or no later than April 5th.)
almost 3 years ago, Cinda Pearson
High School Track Athlete/Parent Meeting...March 7th @ 5:30 pm in the Auditorium. This meeting is for all athletes and parents that are interested in participating in High School Track this year. If you have any questions please call Wendy at the HS Office...406-378-3400. Work Harder....Run Faster & Throw Farther
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
From the Desk of Ms. Cline: 3/1/22 Dear Parents/Guardians: The junior class is once again asking for your help. The class is responsible for the Junior Bazaar (Country Bazaar) at this year’s carnival, where they will have a chance to sell baskets in a silent auction. We ask that each household put together a basket to donate for the auction. Examples of baskets from the past include: gardening, bbq, self-care, game tickets, quilts, food/drink, sports apparel, etc. You can drop your baskets off to my room at any time, but we’d like to have them all collected by Wednesday, April 6th, so that we can get all of the silent auction sheets ready for the day of carnival, Friday, April 8th. If your family is unable to donate, please reach out to me via email: scline@bigsandy.k12.mt.us. Thank you once again for your continued support. Shersteen
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor
PROM TUXEDO RENTALS- Gentlemen can come down to the Pharmacy anytime Monday-Friday 9-5:00 to get measured. You need to have your measurements and tux decision in by March 16th. Here is a link for you to look at Tux choices ( https://www.jimsformalwear.com/myjfw/bat/MB558 ). You can always go do measurements and come back later with your style decision. Remember MARCH 16th is the deadline
almost 3 years ago, Wendy Taylor