District Volleyball Tournament Bracket: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/499717/6_team_district_bracket_2019_option_1.pdf
Teen Tober is underway at the 7-12 Library and the following is a survey for 7-12 students to share their opinion on upcoming events. https://forms.gle/7a8FdDod7uT75YFt7
Freshman students and parents we have concessions Friday and Saturday of chili feed https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xjJVtBiL6-LceoHP7eNk-csJ3sGIPTKJ1DAhRg3b4wM/edit?usp=sharing
Junior High Basketball practice starts tomorrow after school! Please visit: https://www.bigsandy.k12.mt.us/o/big-sandy-public-schools/browse/74753 to access the required forms. These need to be completed and on file with the school before your athlete can practice.
The JV football game vs. Tri-Cities, originally scheduled for Monday, October 7th has been canceled.
Hey Senior Parents! It's College Application Week!
JV and Varsity Volleyball play against Highwood tomorrow (Tuesday October 1st) in Highwood at 6. GO PIONEERS!
JH Football plays against Box Elder tomorrow (Tuesday October 1st) in Box Elder at 4:30. GO PIONEERS!
Flu shots are this week, remember to send your forms back by tomorrow 💉
2019-2020 Handbooks can be found under Menu then Documents. Go the the Handbook file and you will find: Elementary, 7-12 Parent/Student, Pioneer Pride,and Certified Staff handbooks
Our new website is under construction. We'll be releasing more information about this transition soon and thank you for your patience.