about 5 years ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Teen Tober is underway at the 7-12 Library and the following is a survey for 7-12 students to share their opinion on upcoming events. https://forms.gle/7a8FdDod7uT75YFt7
about 5 years ago, James Howland
Freshman students and parents we have concessions Friday and Saturday of chili feed https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xjJVtBiL6-LceoHP7eNk-csJ3sGIPTKJ1DAhRg3b4wM/edit?usp=sharing
about 5 years ago, James Howland
Junior High Basketball practice starts tomorrow after school! Please visit: https://www.bigsandy.k12.mt.us/o/big-sandy-public-schools/browse/74753 to access the required forms. These need to be completed and on file with the school before your athlete can practice.
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
The JV football game vs. Tri-Cities, originally scheduled for Monday, October 7th has been canceled.
about 5 years ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Hey Senior Parents! It's College Application Week!
about 5 years ago, Heather Wolery
College Application Week
JV and Varsity Volleyball play against Highwood tomorrow (Tuesday October 1st) in Highwood at 6. GO PIONEERS!
about 5 years ago, Heather Wolery
JH Football plays against Box Elder tomorrow (Tuesday October 1st) in Box Elder at 4:30. GO PIONEERS!
about 5 years ago, Heather Wolery
Flu shots are this week, remember to send your forms back by tomorrow 💉
about 5 years ago, Heather Wolery
2019-2020 Handbooks can be found under Menu then Documents. Go the the Handbook file and you will find: Elementary, 7-12 Parent/Student, Pioneer Pride,and Certified Staff handbooks
over 5 years ago, Wendy Taylor
Our new website is under construction. We'll be releasing more information about this transition soon and thank you for your patience.
over 5 years ago, School Info