Week 2 of Principal Wolery's Peek at Next Week is coming at you! Come out and support the Football team tomorrow as they take on Heart Butte! Jr. High at 4 and Varsity at 7! Volleyball will be on the road this weekend in Cascade but you can catch some Jr. High Volleyball action on Saturday in the gym. Happy Labor Day Everyone!
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
Thanks Pioneer Fans for coming out to support the Booster club and say good luck to our Volleyball and Football teams! Here's to a great fall of Pioneer Sports! 💜💛🏈🏐
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
Sorry for the late breaking news, I'll get better at this as we get back into the swing of school! Here's the score updates for Football and Volleyball this past weekend. Don't forget to join us for Booster Club Fall Kick-off tomorrow night! Come eat a great meal and get yourself some Pioneer Gear!
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
score update
Pioneer Athletic Events for the week of August 28: Tuesday, August 29th: School & Sports Pictures; Booster Club kickoff @ the FB field, 6 p.m. Friday, September 1st: HS Volleyball @ Cascade Tournament; JH & HS football host Heart Butte, 4 p.m. & 7 p.m. Saturday, September 2nd: HS Volleyball @ Cascade Tournament; JH Volleyball hosts St. Jude @ 11 a.m., St. Jude vs. Chinook +15, Big Sandy vs. Chinook A, +15, Big Sandy B vs Chinook B, + 15
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Pioneer athletics fans: please remember that NFHS is the only sanctioned provider for viewing our athletic events online! Lots of comments pop up on our posts, advertising links to watch our games in other sites. Many of these links are malicious. Please do not click them! Go Pioneers!
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Hi Pioneer Family- We have had a wonderful start to our 23-24 School Year by welcoming 192 students and 39 staff members! Come join us in the gym tomorrow to watch Jr. High and Highschool Volleyball teams take on North Star, games start at 5. On Saturday the Football teams are traveling to Highwood and High School Volleyball will be at Belt. Please enjoy this newsletter from me with information about what's coming up next week and beyond! Have a Wonderful Weekend Ms. Wolery
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
The 2022-2023 yearbooks are for sale. They are $35 for 1 or $60 for 2. Contact Shersteen at scline@bigsandy.k12.mt.us, if you're interested.
over 1 year ago, Ms. Andreasen
Pioneer Athletics for the week of August 21: Friday, August 25th: Volleyball hosts North Star; JH@ 5, JV +15, V +20 Saturday, August 26th: Football @ Highwood; JH @ 4, Varsity @ 7
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
vb & fb
Pioneer Families- We are excited to see you on Monday! School begins at 8 with breakfast starting at 7:40 in both buildings. Dismissal time is 3:50. We are looking forward to a great year! Remember to download the Big Sandy Schools App to stay up to date with all the information!
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
Please join the Big Sandy Booster Club for their annual kickoff barbecue! August 29th, 6 p.m. @ the football field
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Pioneer Football fans: Due to a lack of available officials, our season opener vs. Highwood has been moved to Saturday, August 26th. JH @ 4, Varsity @ 7.
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
Updated Board Agenda for Tuesday's meeting
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
board agenda
board agenda
School Board Training
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
board training
Attention all 7-12 Students: Please come pick your locker and double check your class registration this Thursday, August 10th, anytime from 9-3!
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
welcome back
Parents-- If you haven't downloaded the Big Sandy Schools App yet, please do so soon as Teachers and Coaches will be communicating through the app this school year. If you have the Big Sandy Schools App you will see a new toggle in the bottom right hand corner called Rooms. You will be receiving an email in the next few weeks with an invitation to set up your access to Rooms and then you'll be able to directly message teachers and coaches and keep up to date on information from your student's classrooms and activities. If you have questions, please reach out to us at 406-378-2502 or 406-378-2406.
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
The High School is closed until further notice due to a broken gas line.
over 1 year ago, Heather Wolery
Notice of Final Budget Meeting
over 1 year ago, Mary Merrill
Notice of final budget meeting
2023 Pioneers Football Schedule
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
football schedule
Please mark your calendars! The parent/player meeting for fall sports will be held August 8th @ 7 p.m. in the HS auditorium. Please make sure that your athlete has a completed physical. We will have the concussion forms available for you to sign and we'll take care of uploading all documentation into dragonflymax.com. Practice for varsity sports will begin August 11th!
over 1 year ago, Melanie Schwarzbach
fall sports
Board of trustees meeting agenda for Tuesday, July 18th.
over 1 year ago, Mary Merrill
Agenda for 7/18/23 board meeting