We are Hiring! Check out our employment page for the details!!
Bus Route Drivers, One to One Aide, and a Concessions Manager
Big Sandy Schools has an immediate opening for a Junior High Volleyball coach! Be a part of our team! Interested? Questions? Please reach out to Melanie Schwarzbach, Athletic Director (mschwarzbach@bigsandy.k12.mt.us)
Here is the Student Supply List for our next school year. Also notice the flyer from our local bank offering a supplies giveaway.
Congratulations to Elaina Weaver and Garrett LeFurgey for being selected as Students of the Month... Great job you two!
The Masonic Treasure Lodge #95 and Mrs. Overbay present the 2023 winners of "Kindles for Books". Congratulations students!
Congratulations to Heather Sherburn in winning 2nd place in the state wide art contest "Keep Montana Green". Heather received a check for $125 and a certificate. Great Job Heather!!
"Take me out to the ball game..." Little League Baseball flyers will be coming home with your child this week. The season begins on Monday, May 15.
The Countdown has begun and the Last Day of School is approaching fast! School will be dismissed at 2 on the Last Day, May 25th!
We love our Medical Center, come join them for their annual Ice Cream Social this Friday!
Good job - We're proud of you!
Good Job - We're proud of you!
Thank you Chouteau County Sheriff Deps for the educational and fun bike safety class for all our students today.
What an awesome day today for the Big Sandy Pioneers! We are a Unified School for Special Olympics in Track and Field and had the opportunity for the Montana Summer Special Olympics torch to come through Big Sandy today. Chase Gasvoda and Sonny Phillips were chosen to carry the torch today as representatives of Big Sandy for the Special Olympics. What a honor it is to have fine youth in our community who love and support each other in all aspects of life. A huge shout out to our local law enforcement who made this happen for our community. They are accepting donations at www.somt.org/torch-run Go Pioneers!!
School Board Election Results
From the Pioneer Kitchen of Lianna: On Monday, May 8 we will have Chicken Tacos and Tots. On Thursday, May 25 we will serve Corn Dogs.
Congratulations to our April Student of the Month...Alice Bold!!
The Interview Committee will be meeting on Friday
The kindergarteners did a great job showing the preschoolers how to be good students and friends during their visit today. Tootles to you!
Oodles of Tootles for young Pioneers acting excellent!
From the Music Stand of Mr Bond:
Due to score and traffic delays, band and choir will be back in Big Sandy at 6:00 PM. Sorry for any inconvenience!